Blowtorches & Gas
Copper is 1st Choice for UK contactors for plumbing pipework and Bullfinch blowtorches are ideal for this.
Typical layout for a torch being used on propane gas:
- a burner,
- the torch handle,
- a length of hose secured by
- two hose clips
- a regulator.
The regulator keeps the gas pressure constant so that the torch works well in all circumstances. This connects to the cylinder of propane with a screwed connection.
The burner size varies depending on the job to be done and most Bullfinch torches have interchangeable burners.
The Performer and FirePower ranges fit straight onto the small cylinders and so the hose and separate regulators are not required.
The Torch Kits shown in most sections are ready for use - all you need is a suitable cylinder of propane with screwed connections - butane cylinders now only have clip on connections and high pressure regulators are not available for these systems.
Torch Poster can supply as A4 or A2 sizes Download poster of torches ranges
Our torches are made to BS EN 9012:2011
Pressure Equipment Regulations 2016 All our torches conform to these regulations.
Please note that Flashback arrestors are not needed when propane or butane is used with air. This is true for Bullfinch propane or butane burning appliances including these lpg (propane and butane) burning torches.
Flashback arrestors are required for the Bullfinch Autotorch for acetylene and for oxy-propane and oxy-acetylene systems. Download email from HSE for verification.
For a Hot air blow torch for heat shrink and some economy torches see the Bullfinch Extra Range
Use of Torches
General uses of torches
Some of the uses of a Bullfinch torch are:
And for larger burners in Standard blowtorch range:
- Bitumastic work
- Roof laying
- Torch-on roofing
- Weed burning
- Large pipe work - e.g. weld pre-heating
Uses of Autotorch brazing system
In addition to the uses shown which these brazing burners will usually do faster, the brazing system is ideal for silver soldering of copper pipes and as a portable bronze brazing system for the following areas of work:
The Autotorch acetylene system
Has improved performance over the Autotorch brazing system and is particularly good for Bronze brazing and Technoweld work.
Bullfinch standard burners can be used for providing the burners for kilns. Most kilns have different requirements and so it is hard to give specific advice. We do have an informal information sheet on how our burners may be set up for a kiln - see downloads section. It is important to remember that the burners do require space round them to allow air to be drawn in for combustion at the front and the back of the burners.
Flame Temperatures
Technical information: flames
Although the flame temperature of an LPG (propane or butane) air burner at the hottest point is approximately 1900oC, the actual temperature a heated component can attain is much lower than this and depends on the burner, and the thermal properties of the component and its surroundings.
Acetylene-air and MAP//Pro gas-air will give flame temperatures 200-300oC above this and component temperatures 200-300oC higher too.
The Autotorch brazing burners can give temperatures up to 950oC under general conditions and up to 1200oC in ideal conditions only. They can therefore bronze braze under most conditions as well as being able to make faster soft and silver soldered joints. They are particularly good for hard/silver soldering of copper pipes.

The Autotorch 2300 series burners, the Autotorch System 2 burners and the Standard torch burners can give temperatures up to 800oC under general conditions. They are, therefore, ideal for soft and silver soldering and lead welding, but cannot be used for bronze brazing.
The Autotorch acetylene burners can give temperatures up to 1100oC undergeneral conditions and 1350oC under ideal conditions and can be used to do bronze brazing as well as the other general uses of torches discussed above.
MAP//Pro gas used on the FirePower, AutoPerformer and Performer torches will generally achieve temperatures between the Autotorch brazing burners and the Autotorch acetylene burners.